What is Google friend Connect:-Google Friend Connect means more people engaging more deeply with your website -- and with each other and grow traffic by adding social features to your site.Any website owner can add a snippet of code to his or her site and get social features up and running immediately without programming — picking and choosing from built-in functionality like user registration, invitations, members gallery, message posting, and reviews, as well as third-party applications built by the OpenSocial developer community.
Visitors to any site using Google Friend Connect will be able to see, invite, and interact with new friends, or, using secure authorization APIs, with existing friends from social sites on the web, including Facebook, Google Talk, hi5, orkut, Plaxo, and more.
What Google says on new launch ?
If you run a website and would like to add social features, you can now sign up for the wait list and learn more by visiting www.google.com/friendconnect. We're going to keep things pretty limited at first so we can gather feedback from site owners, developers, and users, but, in the weeks ahead, we'll be reaching out to more site owners and adding more social apps to the gallery.
How to install google friend connect in Wordpress Blog or website
How to install Google friend connect in Blogspot
1.Firstly you need to go to http://www.google.com/friendconnect
2. Next You can easily find Set up a new site in their page click it.
You will redirected to below page click on continue link
3. Enter the site name and url and you will be directed to upload "rpc_relay" and "canvas" HTML files to your server.As in blogspot we can't upload it, so i will help you in doing in blogspot.
4. Download both the files.
5.Now open rpc_relay.html in notepad and copy its contents and start a new post in blogspot.
Now keep the title of post as rpc_relay and paste the contents you copied from rpc_relay notepad file in blog post and publish it.
6.Now again start new post and do the same for canvas.html file in by opening it in notepad copy its contents and paste them into new post with post title canvas and publish it.
*Errors*- While publishing the posts with title rpc-relay and cnvas you might encounter an error saying that you cant use the HTML tag, you have to check on stop executing tags and continue to publish it.
*Note*-Publish the two posts on old dates so that posts may not appear in your recent blog posts. Do it from post options i.e at the left of place where you write labels for your post in post editor.
7.Now after publishing continue to other page in google friend connect.
8. you will asked for test to finalize set up jus click it and contnue if you have published both posts succesfully.
9. Now add a members gadget to your site just go and customize your widget and generate html codes of it and paste it in your site.
There are many gadgets you can use in your site that falls in categories of members gadget and social gadget in sidebar of google frind connect page.
You can select any gadget you like customize and generate codes and paste it in your website.
After getting installed the google friend connect members widget check the below widget to make clear how this widget works on your site.
How Installed gadget on your blog or website works Video
You can check the Working of google friend connect by joining it placed in my blog sidebar.
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