Friday, November 27, 2009

Global Warming Chicanery

"Climategate" leaves the impression that the global warming game has been rigged from the start.

Charles Krauthammer made an excellent point the other day when he reiterated that the language used by the warmists and their acolytes in the media to discredit skeptics is meant to marginalize them socially as well as politically.

They are called global warming "deniers" the same phrase used to describe "holocaust deniers" to put them all beyond the pale. This is ridiculously unfair and inaccurate given that the holocaust already happened and disastrous global warming is "speculative" based on theories and computers models that have been proven less than wholly accurate at best.

These activists and scientists are NOT rigorously, dispassionately and objectively admitting what they DON'T KNOW. They are acting like they can predict the future when THEY CAN'T. Many of their predictions from just 10 years ago have already been proven wrong. Nonetheless, these people want to impose draconian environmental regulations and costs on a world that is undergoing the worst depression in 80 years.

These people are very close to meeting the definition of fanatics.

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