Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"That's Wedding Planner Esquire To You, Bub!"

County Dems nominate wedding planner to be DA. Couldn't they find an interior decorator?

Quote of the Day:
I have a great respect and admiration for wedding planners. They play a critical role in certain elements of high society,” said county GOP leader Andrew Reilly. “But when it comes to someone serving as Delaware County’s district attorney, our chief law enforcement officer, I would prefer to have an active, practicing attorney in that role.”

On a more serious note, why not?

Kendell Brown has a law degree and a legal track record and the DA's job is more one of management than it is of actually trying cases. Active, practicing attorneys have proven themselves to be drunks, child molestors, and thieves. The GOP nominee, Jack Whalen, is none of those things. But why not someone with a little business experience outside the cloistered world of the legal profession?

David Landau defends the selection of Brown:
“If you were unemployed, a mechanic, and you haven’t worked in two years because you can’t get a job, that’s still your occupation or profession,” Landau said. “She’s trained as an attorney. I don’t see an issue with this.”
Wait a minute, what's Landau got against mechanics?

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