Saturday, April 9, 2011

Obama Losing White Support

According to a recent Pew poll, President Obama is "struggling with white voters." But make no mistake, he isn't losing white support because he is black. He is losing white support because he is a spendthrift, liberal Democrat.

During the campaign he tried to sound like a moderate Democrat and a uniter. He has not governed like a moderate. He has governed like a big government liberal. He is in trouble with white voters for the same reason Democrats lost the House in the last election and seats in the Senate. Whites, especially white males, think the federal government is too big, too busy, too profligate, and too intrusive. Obama made it more so.

It is also true, that President Obama is losing support among black voters. Though overall, his black support remains very high (85 percent), it has to be through the roof to make-up for his loses among whites come 2012. That is to say any slippage in black turn-out could prove deadly to the president's reelection chances. Which explains his recent suck-up to race-hustler Al Sharpton, a man he avoided during his 2008 campaign.

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