Thursday, December 15, 2011

MSNBC Smears Romney as Klansman; Sez It's Sorry, "Really"

Some nitwit named Tom Roberts at MSNBC claimed this ad by Romney campaign has revealed his secret status as a Klansman. He picked the idea up from a left-wing blog and said
“So you may not hear Mitt Romney say ‘Keep America American’ anymore. That’s because it was a central theme of the KKK in the 1920s, it was a rallying cry for the group’s campaign of violence and intimidation against blacks, gays and Jews. The progressive blog AmericaBlog was the first to catch on to that.”
First of all, Romney doesn't say "Keep America American." He says "Keep America America." Listen to the ad it comes across as maybe the direct opposite of a rallying cry for violence against anyone, except maybe terrorists, and foreign dictators.

NBC has apologized to the Romney campaign, even Al Sharpton said it was wrong (though he said it self-servingly).

Here's the ad, you be the judge.

And here's the question: Does Tom Roberts still have a job with MSNBC after his attempted "smear"?

UPDATE: Spencerblog says getting called a Klansman by a MSNBC can only help Romney. It's like an Occupy Wall Street protester calling a Starbucks clerk a fascist for having a job. It demeans the protester and elevates the clerk.

UPDATE II: At the request of our friend Bob, here's Matthews apology.

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