Monday, October 31, 2011

Government Motors Edsel

(Posted by Dannytheman)

The Chevy Volt, President Obama's attempt at taking us green, is a serious failure. Our taxpayer dollars floundered away on another dreamy, eco, green fantasy.

How many jobs will stay at Government Motors if these electric cars rust on dealer lots?
The progressives celebrated when King of Prussia mall placed electric vehicle charging stations at it's mall. They were not smart enough to know that K of P mall did it for the specific tax credit.
I don't get free gas for going to the mall, do you?  Why should a Chevy Volt owner get a free charge?  Feel free to let the mall know how you feel. K of P mall.

Government Motors Failure

U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Butler, has a Volt collecting dust at his Butler car dealership. He said he isn't surprised by the lack of interest in the vehicle.

"The American people are smarter than the government -- they're not buying that car," he said. "I just pay interest on it, insure it, and in another week or month we'll scrape snow off it."

Why is our government investing, spending stimulus, in business in the first place? I always thought if people wanted it, companies would sell it. But again, like the curly cue light bulb, we are being charged (Taxed) to have government make our decisions for us. Who ask them to?
Not me, not anyone I know. I like having choices, and the best ones the people adopt.  It is all progressive ideologues who think they know better than you and me. These progressives all went to a same particular schools and truly believe, deep in their hearts, that they are smarter and better prepared to tell the rest of us what we need and want. So I will become a criminal if I skip over the border and bring back some 60, 75 and 100 standard light bulbs. I'm sure some progressive elected official will attempt to make that a felony, like the Maple Syrup controversy.

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