Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Discrimination for Me but Not for Thee

At Berkeley, College Republicans satirize affirmative action and demonstrate the perniciousness of racial double standards with a bake sale charging different prices based on ethnicity and gender. It's an oldie but a goodie.

The response from campus liberals, progressives, and left-wing radicals was, shall we say, predictable. They were outraged. Or pretended to be. Chants against racism and sexism came forth. So did anonymous and empty threats of violence. The local media showed up to cover the event and got plenty of footage.

All and all a great success on the part of young Republicans to get their message out.

And yet, the New York Times runs this headline: "A 'Diversity Bake Sale' Backfires on Campus" It didn't "backfire" at all. The event may have offended some people but that was the point. It got the other side to reveal the stupidity and racialism of their own position.

Here's some video of the event.

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